Sunday, 14 September 2014

Interview With Author L.L Hunter

Hiiii! Been so long bookworms! Sorry! Dont cha' cry! Today i dont have a review but an interview. Yupperinooooo! And its the one and only Author Laura L Hunter. So enjoy!! Here you go! Thank u Laura for giving me interview...

Me: Tell us something about yourself.

Laura: I live in Australia and i began writing at the age the age of fifteen, originally song lyrics, then moved on to plays and musicals then eventually narratives. I love animals and have an addiction to chap stick, coffee and chocolate.

Me: Were you good at English in school life.
Laura: I was okay. It was one of my favorite subjects at school other than art.

Me: Which writers inspire you.
Laura: Philip Pullman, Roald Dahl, Kathy Reichs, Cassandra Clare, Airicka Phoenix.

Me: What books have you written and from where we can buy them online.
Laura: I have 10 books out at the moment. They van be bought from Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Nobel and all other online reatailers.

The Chronicles Of Fire And Ice

The Chronicles of Blood and Stone

The Chronicles of Silver and Gold

The Aqua Saga (YA dystopian)

The Aqua Secret

The Adelaide Paige Saga (16+) (romantic suspense/ crime/ Psychic 

First Glance

Treacherous (NA contemporary Standalone. 18+)

The Eden Chronicles (YA paranormal romance)

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Death

Crave Series (YA paranormal romance/ myths and legends)

The Dragon Heart Keeper (Free ebook short story)

Crave (full novel)

Which book are you working on.
Laura: I am currently writing Book 4 of the Legend of the Archangel series, and 
Book 2 of the Adelaide Paige Saga.

What genres are your books.
Laura: Most are paranormal romance, some are dystopian and some are 
romantic suspense.

What actor/actress do you want to see as lead character for ur recent book.
Laura: I think Adelaide Kane (Reign TV show) would be great for Eden from 
The Eden Chronicles and Henry Cavill would make a great Lakyn
(Eden’s father) from The Legend of the Archangel and The Eden 
Chronicles worlds.

Have you written any other novel with any other writer.
Laura: Not yet, but I would like to one day.

When did  you thought of becoming a writer.
Laura: I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was a teenager.

Do you have a special time scheduled to write.
Laura: I like to write during the morning or the afternoon, before and after work.

Do you aim for a set amount of pages per day.
Laura: I try to write at least 2 thousand words per day, sometimes more, 
sometimes less.

Where do the ideas come from.
Laura: My ideas come from a range of places, but mostly dreams.

Hardest thing about writing your latest book.
Laura: Having to tone it down a bit. Crave was originally a steamy adult book, 
but I had to make it appropriate to a Young Adult audience, because 
they’re my largest target audience.

How long approx does it take you to write a book.
Laura: It takes between 1- 3 months, sometimes more if I have other projects 
going on.

So you prefer paperbacks or eBooks.
Laura: Both. I love books in general.

Do you read proof or edit your books by yourself or someone else.
Laura: I edit and re-write my first draft myself, then my manuscript goes to a 
proof reader. I make changes then send it to my editor.

Do you think cover plays important role in buying process.
Laura: Sometimes. I myself prefer to read the blurb before making a decision.

Advice for soon to be authors.
Laura: Believe in yourself. If you yourself do not believe in your own work, then 
no one else will. Also, grow a thick skin. Bad reviews can be brutal.

Your feelings when you get good reviews from ur readers.
Laura: It’s the best feeling. Makes my day.

What did you do to promote ur books and did it work.
Laura: I use a mixture of social media (twitter, facebook, google plus), book
blitzes and word of mouth. I think it’s pretty affective.

Review of your recent book.
Laura: Visit my amazon page to see all my books currently available and see 
what readers are saying about them.

Did you format Crave.
Laura: No, my fabulous editor also formats my books.

You favourite motivational quote.
Laura: Be yourself. Everyone else is taken –Oscar Wilde.

Your favourite book and why.
Laura: The Hobbit. It made me fall in love with fantasy creatures and world 

Favourite movie and why.
Laura: The Lion King. Great songs, great characters and storyline.

Famous person u want to meet and why.
Laura: Kathy Reichs. She is my idol.

Anything u want to add that I have not mentioned.
Laura: Be sure to check out my latest release, Crave. It’s available now from all 
book retailers.

Please give the links of following for interaction:




Amazon Author Page:



I hope you guys enjoy my interview with Laura L. Hunter. Thank you Laura for giving me time out of your busy schedule. Till then peace bookworms!!! Like, Comment, Share!! 
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Enjoy your life and remember me in your prayers...